Localization of ads
Last updated
Introduction: Localization of ads can help you reach your target audience more effectively and improve engagement and conversion rates.
In this guide, we will show you how you can work with Clickable to localizing your ads, including location-specific targeting and language translation.
You'll learn how to effectively localize your ads and adapt them to different regions and languages.
Start with creating a new workspace by clicking the [Create Workspace] button.
Click on prompt templates from the sidebar menu to the left. Click on [Create prompt template] Name it Campaign tagline localized by country, use GPT-3. Write your prompt: "Write a campaign tagline of maximum 30 words using the following language:" Make sure you have checked column names in the prompt and click on save.
Create a new project inside your Workspace. Import your datasources, either use Brandfetch your import a CSV. Import and map your data into selected columns and/or create new ones to fit your data.
Create a column for your localization segment e.g country, region, city. In this example we will work with localization by country and language.
Click on [+ Column], right click on [Edit column] a name your new column [Language] and type [Text] and save. Add your languages to the cells that you wish to localize ads in. E.g. German, Spanish, Swedish.
Click on [+ Column], right click on [Edit column] a name your new column [Campaign tagline] and type [Text] and save.
Right click on the Campaign tagline column and click on [Edit prompt]. Click on your created prompt template and add the language to your prompt by adding "Write a campaign tagline of maximum 30 words using the following language: /Language" and add other variables you wish the prompt to include e.g. Product title etc. and save. In that instance we would add to the prompt: "Also include the product name of the perfume /Product title"
Click on the campaign title column and click on [Run prompt]. You can right click on any column and re-evaluate the tagline by clicking [Run prompt] if you are not happy with the results.
Repeat necessary steps for each respective ad content type you need for your localization e.g. CTA or any other content you need localized. You can also add the specific location in your ads by creating a new column naming it e.g City and localized ad to that specific city.